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May 22, 2020

The Quarantine Chronicles, Day 38

DAY 38: Oops Factor -- when shit
goes wrong -- no, you probably
won't get infected if you go run on
the beach alone -- Oops, you did
somehow and now you're dying,
in ICU on a ventilator, she/he's
strong, they'll make it, we'll pray,
Oops out the backdoor in a coffin
straight to the crematorium, no
family allowed near, we'll send you
the ashes if the postal service is
ever working again -- I'm wearing
gloves, so there, Oops, when I 
touched shit then took gloves off
wrong I got germs on my hands
touched my eye before washing up
-- it itched -- then, nothing, I felt okay
Oops fever, fever all through the night,
there's no saying you're sorry, when
you infect someone, they could be
gone, when you had that tupperware
party everyone seemed healthy --
there's no regrets, no going back --
NO OOPS -- it's death, baby
the final frontier, the one Kirk, Spock,
Sulu and Uhura never met, you could
go there easy -- where no one has gone
before -- mass graves, piles of boxes
boxes of ashes -- way too late
for do-overs.